Laser Vein Treatment
The Cynosure Acclaim laser is also used to treat spider veins on the face or legs. Spider veins are actually dilated or stretched blood vessels that appear on the legs, not “broken” blood vessels, as is commonly believed. Their precise cause is unknown, but it is thought that heredity, excessive standing, weight gain, hormonal changes and pregnancy may be some of the causes.
Laser technology has become an important factor in the treatment of vascular deformities such as hemangiomas, port wine stains, and spider veins. The powerful Nd:YAG laser light penetrates deeply into tissue and can be used for the coagulation of unwanted veins. Full results can be observed 2-6 weeks following a treatment. 1-5 treatments are recommended depending on the amount of spider veins present. Currently, the long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser is regarded as being as effective as sclerotherapy for the treatment of leg veins, and is the treatment of choice in patients who do not respond to sclerotherapy or who are “needle phobic”. There are many factors that our highly trained staff will take into consideration before determining if laser vein removal is right for you. Please call us at (905)891-9300 today to book your FREE CONSULTATION.